Course Overview

In this course, we will discuss all the practices, principles, rules and laws proposed by Clean Code, that ensure delivery of high-quality products, faster development times and lower delivery costs. We will get a detailed look at the most effective and the most problematic practices when writing code and finally, we will analyse code samples that show how code should be written and what problems should be avoided at all costs. At the end of this course you are going to be able to write readable, searchable, maintainable and easily testable Clean Code.

  • Increase efficiency of writing code and implementing tasks, decreasing cost of delivery.

  • Increase code quality leading to a decrease in the number of bugs in the code and decrease complexity for unit testing and quality assurance.

  • Decrease cost of technical debt management, of code maintenance and of adding new people to the project.

  • Build flexible, reliable, stable and easily extendable software systems.

Course Contents

  • 2

    Development Principles

    • Software Development Principles

    • Single Responsibility Principle

    • Single Responsibility Principle Quiz

    • Open / Close Principle

    • Open / Close Principle Quiz

    • Liskov Substitution Principle

    • Liskov Substitution Principle Quiz

    • Interface Segregation Principle

    • Interface Segregation Principle Quiz

    • Dependency Inversion Principle

    • Dependency Inversion Principle Quiz

    • DRY - Do not repeat yourself

    • KISS - Keep it simple, stupid

    • YAGNI - You ain't gonna need it

    • Law of Demeter

    • Development Principles Code Examples

    • Development Principles Key Takeaways

    • Development Principles Code Samples

  • 3

    Clean Code

    • Clean Code

    • Naming Conventions

    • Intent and Obscured Intent

    • Packages and Package Structures

    • Classes

    • Specialized Classes

    • Clean Code Quiz One

    • Variables

    • Methods

    • Interfaces

    • Abstract Classes

    • Exception Management

    • Formatting

    • Unit Testing

    • Clean Code Quiz Two

    • Clean Code Key Takeaways

  • 4

    Code Smells

    • Code Smells

    • Large Class

    • Large Method

    • Flag Parameter

    • Artificial Coupling

    • Code Duplication

    • Copy Paste Programming

    • Duplicate Method

    • If - Else Programming

    • Mismatch Inheritance

    • Magic Number

    • Unsearchable Names

    • Code Minimization Obsession

    • Over Optimization

    • Code Smells Quiz One

    • Syntax over Semantics

    • Chaotic Comments

    • Fake Unit Tests

    • Happy Paths Only

    • Error Codes

    • Exposing Sensitive Information

    • Re-Inventing the Wheel

    • Disowning Code

    • Feature Envy

    • Architecture Last

    • Refactor Later

    • Code Smells Quiz Two

    • Code Smells Key Takeaways

    • Code Smells Code Samples

  • 5

    Code Review

    • Code Review

    • Code Review Quiz

    • Code Review Key Takeaways

  • 6

    Symptoms of a Bad System

Course Features

  • Quizzes

    Test your knowledge with carefully crafted quizzes that cover all major aspects of the course.

  • Takeaways

    Each course section, provides a downloadable PDF containing the key takeaways of the presented material.

  • Code Samples

    Java code samples, containing examples for each code smell and the correct way that they can be refactored.

Practical Clean Code

Write maintainable, readable, searchable, easily changeable, smarter code.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the prerequisites for this course?

    A good understanding of Object Oriented Programming is required since most development principles and clean code practices refer to OOP.

  • Who is this course meant for?

    Any software developer who wants to improve the quality and efficiency of code delivery, regardless of their years of experience, programming language and tech-stack.
    Team leaders, technical consultants, software architects and development managers who want to improve the development process in their projects and teams.
    Any junior software developer who wants to learn from the beginning of their career how to write quality code, within accepted and proven standards.

  • Are there any code samples?

    Yes, for the Code Smell section we provide comprehensive examples for each code smell, and a refactored version for each example, showing how the issue can be resolved. Code samples are also downloadable.

  • What do the takeaways contain?

    The takeaways contain the key ideas from each section as downloadable PDF files. In this manner you are able to review the key elements of each section without going through each video.

  • How can I get an invoice for my purchase?

    If you require an invoice (which includes buyer and seller information) please send us an email, from the email dress used for registration, at [email protected] and we will send you an invoice in the shortest time possible. If you want your company details on the invoice please also send us the company name, country, address, registration number and VAT ID number (if applicable).